Themed wedding celebrations are again more desired than ever. This offers florists plenty of challenges to offer something very special! Be it an all-round floral decoration with just one type of flower – for example: wallow completely in peonies!
Or the ride to happiness with enchanting hydrangeas in abundance! Great, if then such a type of flower in itself has many different shapes and colors, such as the chrysanthemum. Also the gypsophila comes arranged brownish to completely new honors.
In terms of color, the charming beige-ecru is the order of the day, or “buttercream”, as the new color trend is called. And if that’s not enough, the most beautiful day in
the most beautiful day in your life will be staged in a fancy and colorful crazy in scene set.
In any case, our magazine offers a wide range of inspiration and ideas for wedding consultation in every respect.
English, Italian and German
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by Claire Cowling
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