Our Grace Harrison Suffolk Soy Blend Wax Snap Bars in the following gorgeous scents: Damson Plum, Rose & Patchouli Rosewood & Velvet Moss
Velvet Peony & Oud Mandarin & Sandlewood
Seaweed & Juniper Black Fig & Vetiver
Snap bars are great if you are looking for a burst of fragrance or mood enhancer.
Just snap off a chunk and pop in the top of your burner, saving the rest for another time. They can be melted several times.
Our Grace Harrison Suffolk range are handmade with a soy blend wax and the finest fragrances.
These include a beautiful combination on natural fragrances.
In the image you'll see the snap bars, plus also the little heart melts and burners too - all available at Thrive Xx
Snap Bar Wax Melts