Learn how to make our Spring Handtied bouquet - a delightful blend of fun and sustainability. It's bursting with colours and textures, expertly combined to create a bouquet that exudes joy and vitality. Our Spring Handtied bouquet features a playful mix of Willows, offering both structure and visual interest, gorgeous feature cut flowers and foliages, but what truly sets this bouquet apart are the hydroponically grown Spring bulbs that are included. These bulbs not only add a unique dimension to the design but also ensure longevity, so the bouquet stays fresh and vibrant for days on end. But here's the best part – after enjoying the beauty of this bouquet, you can plant out these bulbs to re-flower next year! It's the gift that keeps on giving, bringing smiles and blooms for seasons to come. Why not have a go this spring with this fun, playful, and sustainable floral delight!
You'll not only get to watch the tutorial, but you'll have access to our online worksheets too with quantities and written notes.
Available from 3rd March.
Please note - we will email you with your login details, rather than a download.
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by Claire Cowling
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